Questions? We have answers

Contenido desplegable


Our policy lasts 30 days.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. Click link to start a return. Returns

Has my order been shipped yet?

Orders are generally shipped within 1-3 working days, sometimes sooner. You will receive an email when your order has been shipped, please check your SPAM/Junk box just in case it slips in there. If you cannot find your shipping email or think you may have deleted it, contact us and we can give you real time information on whether your order has been dispatched or not. Or you may check the live status here

I put the wrong address for my order, can I change it?

If you have put in the incorrect delivery address on your order then please contact us within 24 hours. If your order hasn't been shipped then we can update your delivery address.

I ordered 2 or more items, why did I only receive one?

When you order multiple items at once, they might be shipped separately as products are dispatched from different locations. You may receive one item before another. So don't worry if you don't receive all of your items at the same time. You can check the order status here

I need to cancel or change my order, how do I do this?

We always try our best to facilitate you, however if your order has already been shipped then we cannot cancel your order.

If you would like to change your order then please contact us ASAP. We will try our best to accommodate any changes providing your order hasn't already been shipped. If your order has been shipped then we will not be able to change the order.

My order is still not here, please help?

If you order has taken longer than 10 working days from shipped then please contact us. We offer a Money Back Guarantee or will have your order resent.

Why did I not receive a confirmation email after placing the order?

There's a good chance that our email has ended up in your SPAM/JUNK folder so please do check there. If you still cannot find it and would like it resent then please let us know.

I don't have a tracking number, when will I get it?

When we ship out your order, you will receive a shipping confirmation. From there you can track your order. Or you may check here

What are the payment options available?

We accept all major credit and debit cards through Shopify Secure Payments. We also accept PayPal, ApplePay & Shop Pay.

Still have questions? We can help